
Foreign health insurance

Prices passer-by rates 2024

MRI brain €343,68
MRI soft tissue of the neck €286,59
MRI cervical spine €286,59
MRI thoracic spine €320,76
MRI lumbar spine €291,60
MRI musculoskeletal shoulder, wrist... €319,58
MRI breast with contrast €343,68
MRI musculoskeletal: knee or ankle, ... €295,58
MRI pelvis €295,58
MRI thorax €343,68
MRI liver €386,13
MRI upper abdomen (MRCP, kidneys, spleen, pancreas) €386,13
MRI prostate €386,13
MRI rectum €386,13
MRI female pelvis €386,13
MRI heart (requires a prescription from your cardiologist) €450,00 + €126,43
Ultrasound of the skull €108,10
Ultrasound of the thyroid and/or soft tissue neck €90.84
Ultrasound of the neck vessels or venous duplex limbs €166.90
Ultrasound of the arterial duplex limbs €103,25
Ultrasound of the musculoskeletal upper extremity €102,23
Ultrasound of the musculoskeletal lower extremity €99,09
Ultrasound of the breasts €102,96
Ultrasound of the organs €103,25
Ultrasound of the male/female pelvis/scrotum €95,16
1 infiltration €165,19
1 barbotage €165,19

Passer-by rates

How to pay for your examination?
Payment is to be made after the exam with a debit or credit card. We accept most cards, no American Express.

You must contact your own insurance company for the reimbursement. We cannot guarantee a refund.

No-show and late cancellation
If you do not show up for your appointment or cancel less than 24hrs in advance, a cost of €60,00 will be charged per reserved time/exam.


What do you bring to your appointment?

  • Passport, ID card or drivers licence
  • Your referral letter

Nb: Most of the exams can also be performed without a referral. In that case, there is no reimbursement by the health insurer. You pay according to our rates.
